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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Alodie = Love

Alodie is my house girl and also the sweetest person on the planet. She is obsessed with my clothes being clean and thus I have never had whites so gleaming or shoes cleaned 2 a week. This week has introduced some added benefits I did not foresee.

This week is exams and I have 8 sections of 50 kids (at least) to grade and thus have 400 papers to grade. Alodie has been sending the gang children away and telling them I have too much work to play and told them they can’t come in the house until my papers are handed in.  She also made dinner more often this week than she usually does and did shopping without my asking. Best Part! Someone dropped by for a visit, after I had ignored their call, and she made him go away after 2 minutes.  All this TLC is making me love (I reserve the right to rescind my use of this word) exam week.

1 section graded.. 7 more to go.

Gang and Moving 062

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