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Saturday, October 2, 2010

So long, farewell

Based on the recommendations of my field director, family, and self, I am returning to the US early. Once it became clear that I am unable to teach (and next week is the last week of teaching anyway) I had to decide if laying in a hostel bed for 3 weeks was worth it. Plus, the very idea of trying to navigate the dirt and rock roads of Nyanza was giving me panic attacks. In the words of Joco “Well, that’s not even an option.” KJ was also clear that me being alone in my town made her uncomfortable and the home office had suggested I return to the US. The general consensus that flying with casts and wheelchairs etc would in fact be easier (sympathy!!) than traveling by myself on freshly freed feet.

So exactly 22 days early, I will return to the Good Ol’ USA.  I leave next Thursday and will arrive in D.C. on Friday. As sad as I am to miss the last few weeks, I am totally comfortable with my decision. Navigating with crutches on uneven dirt roads is difficult with 2 hurt limbs and being a prisoner in a hostel isn’t my idea of a great finish to the year. At least at home I can deliver in good food and have my slave…ooops I mean mom…wait on me.

I will be forever thankful and grateful for the friends I made here. A tight community apparently only takes 9 months to solidify. I am so lucky to have been placed in this group. Also, this experience would have been entirely different without my wonderful Field Director Kelly Jo. (What would KJ do? is a debbie doo and jane phrase).

This year has been difficult sometimes and painful at others (like now) but always absurdly fun. I experienced so many things I never could have imagined in my wildest dreams. I am absolutely glad I did it. To quote John Stanlake “It’s a legend.”

In other news…I will be in New York City recuperating at the Westwind and accepting sympathy and visitors.



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