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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Business Time

Rainy season is back and it means business. Monday night it monsoon-ed from 3pm to 4am. The storm knocked down a power line and now I haven’t had power for almost 48 hours.  Surprisingly, it hasn’t been so bad. All of my electronics died yesterday but I charged them today at school. I have used the no power excuse to treat myself to donuts (amandazi) for breakfast, chapati and cornbread for lunch and then Alodie surprised me by finding a coal-cooker to make a totes bomb dinner of yams and green beans.  Since there is no tea and I can’t boil water, Coke zero is the only beverage option (I did buy water in the end). 

Alodie is a fab cook and I could never figure out why, using the same ingredients, her food was always more savory than mine. But, I found the answers! Firstly, she uses more oil than I could ever imagine or want to imagine. Secondly, I found this bag of some spice I couldn’t identify and took it to KJ’s fiancĂ©e Camble (another bomb cook). He figured out its almond flour. A little pinch of almond flour to tomato’s and oil and everything is little bit yummier.

This is a totes random tidbit from ICT today:

I took away the mouse’s (Mice?) from the kids so they would have to use the keyboards to type. Usually they get obsessed with colors and fonts and don’t use the time to practice typing. I was walking around saying “Use your fingers! Type!” and one boy turned to me and said “I want to use my fingers Teacher” 

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