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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Picture this

This morning I left for school half an hour earlier than I usually do. This was due to the fact that I had the worst nights sleep and my dreams were so vivid I feel like I was awake the whole night-but I digress.

So I left early and passed the same 3 schools I usually do on my way. But this morning, the pre-primary kids were still waiting for their gate to be opened. Picture 50-75 little children all with shaved heads (boys and girls) dressed in identical blue and white checked shirts, blue bottoms and blue pullovers with white stripes at the neck and collar. Note that the pullovers are clumsily embroidered with their “pupil number” so they have random numbers stretched drunkenly across the left breast.  Now picture said children MOBBING me. It was like being Miley Cyrus or Barack Obama. Screams of “Muzungu” and “Jan-IEE” were mixed with just plain screaming. They surrounded me and I literally could not move. I looked down at their freshly shaven heads and gap tooth smiles and could not help but smile myself.  Being one of the very few muzungu’s in town and being liberal with the hugs and hand shakes has made me semi-famous/circus freak in my village already…. but this was Superstar.  I finally managed to wade through the crowd and make my way to school, no longer half and hour early.

  Now the question is.. Will I ever leave my house that early again?

1 comment:

  1. hmmm ... maybe every day??

    I love knowing they adore you - as they should!
